October 21, 2018
Blaise" is a light-hearted comedy about love, filled with subtle French humor. Written by French playwright Claude Magnier in 1959, it was first staged in Russian by the Scarlet Sails Theater in Portland in October 2018, with sold-out shows.
The performance is in Russian with live English subtitles on a screen next to the stage. Set in a retro era, the play features a whirlwind of love intrigues, hilarious misunderstandings, and French flair, complete with dancing and typical characters. It runs for three hours with two intermissions, rated PG
Дата премьеры
October 21, 2018
Место проведения
5500 SW Dosch Rd, Portland, OR 97239
Dmitry and Olga Sotiriadi
Андрей Карюкин/Дмитрий Сотириади (Блэз)
Ольга Федотова (Мари)
Ирина Лавриненко (Женевьева)
Ольга Сотириади (Сабина Карлье)
Константин Балашов /Владимир Масалов (Клебер Карлье)
Юлия Парадная/Ольга Соколова (Лаура Карлье)
Анна Шапкина (Пепита)
Зоя Суриц/Надежда Рыжук (Ариана Кларенс)